Gain Knowledge
Before I dive into the main point of this blog today I’d like you to take a minute and write down a few bullet points about what you believe a family is. There is no right or wrong answer, just write down your beliefs or views on the topic. Then take another minute and write down how or where you got those beliefs from. When I did this I found that most of what I thought about the family unit came from religious teachings, personal experience, and likewise people confirming my thoughts. At first I was content with my knowledge and was not interested in learning about others perspectives or experiences. Not because I didn’t care, but because I didn’t find it relevant to me. Now I don’t think I am the only one who has this issue. Some may even ask, what issue? What is wrong with being firm and confident in your beliefs and not taking time to broaden your horizons? I mean we live in a world today where people are divided so quickly just because they are either “for or against” a certain t...