Faith & Family

 Ch. 18 Faith in the Family Life

I really wanted to focus mostly on dimension two from this chapter which is religious practices and family. I love how doing small and simple things can build faith within the family. Growing up, my dad was always really good about having regular family home evening every Monday night. There were times we as kids did not listen or care to really be there but we did it anyway. It was something that was constant and consistent. It was something we could count on doing every Monday. This small thing helped me in ways I can’t even comprehend fully. For me, family home evening was something I looked forward to. I loved learning more about the gospel in my own home. I was even given the opportunity to teach some Monday’s. This helped me grow my personal testimony. I will always be forever grateful for this simple constant in my life. “Religious practices are “outward, observable expressions of faith such as prayer, scripture study, rituals, traditions, or less overly sacred practice or abstinence that is religiously grounded.” Pg. 877 When we participate in such rituals as a family we increase the bond we have within the relationship of our spouse and children. There are a lot of benefits to having such rituals. There was a report done in 2005 on a bunch of devoted youth. The youth that prayed, read scriptures, attended religious services more than other teens were reported having the “highest quality of parent-child relationships, honesty, acceptance, understanding, getting along, and feeling loved by and close to their parents.” Pg. 885 These relationships are precious and important. Doing things to build faith within the family will only make you stronger. 


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